Wednesday, July 7, 2010

a la kathrine!

shrimp & grits.
call me southern, call me what you will.

shrimp & grits are outrageously delicious!
i don't care where you get them... well, i do. i don't want them to suck! clearly!
but, they are a safe bet.
there is something about the creaminess of grits and the sweet luxurious taste of fresh shrimp that just pair so super well together.
so tonite! i make my own...
of course i need to "beef" it up with some veggies. so, i made some grits, they were instant. sorry, i'm no professional grits maker. i pan fried some shrimp, and i defrosted / pan fried some spinach. there is something about spinach that pairs so well with shrimp, grits, and shrimp & grits together! you will love it...
i layered my amateur-attempt at grits in the bowl, topped it with spinach, shrimp, and i made a savoury sauce to top it all off.
i put about a cup of chicken broth in a pan and added chopped roasted red peppers. yeh, they were out of a jar. i'm totally okay with that. i cooked that on super high on the stove to cook out some of the water in the broth. as it was boiling, i added about two tablespoons of weight watchers cream cheese. (what!? it's 2pts all together!) so, somehow i managed to make (what i believe to be) and creamy roasted red pepper sauce. i was pretty impressed with myself.
i topped my tower of grits, spinach, & shrimp with roasted red pepper sauce and took my fork, and dug in.
i cannot believe that i achieved a perfect balance of sauce to food, and meat to veggies.
i can't lie, i was totally blown away by myself.
yeh, i'm awesome.

my ultimate compliment was when i brought the shrimp and grits to work to share with a friend. i left a cup with the perfectly-portioned bite for her. i thought was rude to not share with with a fellow foodie, and luckily i did. what she was about to eat turned led her to give me one of my most flattering reviews.
"that was delicious" she said. "what was it?"
"shrimp, spinach, grits, and roasted red pepper cream sauce. i literally had to stop in the middle of my meal and portion you out a bite or it would've been gone"
"i've never had grits, and i don't like them. but i REALLY liked that." she replied.

as rj would say.... yesssssssssss.

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