Wednesday, April 21, 2010

strawberry mojito salad!

alas, this one is alcohol free, you boozebags!

seeing as it's strawberry season, there is no better reason to make a strawberry salad. a plain mixed fruit with strawberries salad is boooriiing. so i began thinking...
seeing a picture of those tasty strawberry mojitos that my sister ritualistically makes this time of year, inspired me! strawberries + lime + mint + booze = tasty! let's cut out the booze so we can all keep our day jobs, and viola!
fresh, strawberry salad!
i used about two quarts of strawberries (those little green containers) and the juice of three limes. i have a citrus press, which i love. i highly recommend investing in one. i added a packet of the organic mint leaves, found in the produce section. i threw the mint leaves & the juice of the limes into the food processor. altogether it produced less than a quarter cup of "dressing", if you will. i tossed that with my cut up strawberries and let it sit in the fridge for about a day.

*note: after a couple days, the chopped mint turned. it doesn't taste any different, but it is much less attractive. next time, add the chopped mint and lime as you eat.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a yummy treat....and if its night time, add a bit of simple sugar, rum and a dash of clubsoda and vioila - mojito!!!!!
