Monday, March 22, 2010

magical mystery dinner!

i have to say, for this, i am very proud of myself.
i made an excellent stir-fry with broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and pineapple. that's pretty much my go-to delicious & easy meal. i seasoned it with some cayenne powder, garlic, and whatever else i haphazardly picked out of the spice cabinet. i cooked the onions first, so they'd caramelize. yum! then, i cooked down some frozen broccoli & cauliflower. once it was heated through, i added the onions, mixed, then threw in the pineapple. i use the rings and cut them down. i like how the pieces aren't the same size. yes! i'm neurotic!
once my stir-fry was screaming hot & ready, i added the best part.
this, is where i have to give myself a round of applause.
i made.... satay sauce!
one may think: no big accomplishment, monster!
alas, i made satay sauce with... pb2!
powdered peanut butter?
yes! it's fantastic! it has no preservatives and has 85% less fat AND calories than regular peanut butter. genius!
so, to make my outstanding pb2 satay sauce:
(holy crap! an actual recipe! with measurements!)
1/4 c pb2
1/8c low sodium soy sauce
1/8c low sodium chicken broth (to get to desired consistency)
1 tbs chopped garlic (i buy pre-chopped in the jar. yep, i'm a cheater)
1tbs cilantro (i buy the paste in the tube. busted again.)
mix it all together. yum!
i think i added a little more soy to give it a kick.
plus, i made a double batch.

not only was it delicious!
but i'm just so creative!

what's that i hear?
oh, it's your stomach growling!


  1. All of your recipes and pictures make my stomach growl! Kudos to you for helping me find new ways to eat, cook and add some spice to my life!! You Rock!!!

  2. thanks lori, that means a lot! i'm glad you're loving it!
