Monday, March 29, 2010

42 days = 1008 hours = 60,480 minutes

sound the horns!
drop the balloons!

bitches! i've made it six weeks on the brontosaurus diet!
thought i couldn't do it, aye?
well, here i am!
a month and a half older, and....
*drum roll*
18 lbs (exactly!) lighter!


i could not be happier for myself! i really went into this thinking i was walking to my own execution. heading the guillotine! preparing to not eat 'normal' food... ever! devastating!
but, not so much.
changing my eating habits to exclude processed food, dairy, meat, most grains, sugar, salt, & fat... the effects have really reached into many aspects of my life. number one, i sleep so freakin' well! i sleep hard. and long. and i'm rested! to me, this is a huge deal. i was having a really hard time sleeping before, and staying asleep. now, it's a piece of fruit. (remember, no cake.)
also, my skin rocks! few to no breakouts, which means... no greasy faced monster over here!
i love it!
i feel better. i'm happier. i'm more energetic. i'm lighter on my feet. i'm more motivated. my nails look good. stomach issues have gone away....
oh yeah, and i lost a bunch of freakin' weight!
my favorite part!
now, i've graduated out of the six-week plan, and moved into the life plan. i'm allowed to bring fat free dairy back into my life (how i've missed thee!) and a minimal amount of meat. so far, i've added some goat cheese in almost everyday, but the meat, that might need to happen in a couple weeks.
i started this diet by looking at it as some sort of fat-kid punishment. but in the end, i really believe that i've adopted it's core principles as a way of life. of course i see myself eating a cupcake. or a piece of cheese. or even.... a slice of pizza! but i'll be happy to eat... and most specifically ENJOY those things in a completely new way from now on. i'm happy to say that i'm going to keep myself primarily on the brontosaurus diet for... well, for as long as i can keep myself on track. i don't doubt that i'll never veer off, but i know that this way of eating and way of life, will keep me happy, healthy, and keep food in perspective for me.

*i'd like to give love to everyone who read the book, got inspired, ate my food, and to those who jumped on board.

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