Friday, May 14, 2010

small pieces of raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice.

that tuna ceviche really got me in the mood for... more ceviche!
i'm ceviche monster!
nom.. nom.. nom..

i rounded up a wealth (a small wealth) of shellfish. shrimp, scallops, and lobster tail meat.
i've made ceviche before, where i'll flash cook the shellfish.
dunk it in a pot of boiling water for a few seconds.
this time, i decided to keep it raw. i cut up my scallops, shrimp, & lobster. i tossed all my shellfish in a bowl, and added garlic, cilantro, red onions (that were marinated in red wine vinegar) and the juice of four limes. i thought of using avocado or tomatoes, but figured they would make a better garnish than ingredient. i made my ceviche on a tuesday and i let it "cook" until thursday night. on thursday, i thought that it was still a little under-"cooked". on friday, i didn't notice much of a difference in the change of the texture of the meat, but i felt a little safer eating it.
you know, after i fed it to some of my guinea pigs. ha!
i think my ceviche came out smashing! it was light, perfect for summer, and refreshing. my only complaint with allowing the meat to "cook" straight off in the lime juice, is that i feel the meat let out enough water that it made a not-so-attractive sauce in my ceviche. next time, i'll flash cook the meat and let it finish cooking in the lime juice & garlic.

no worries, i'm addicted to sea food.
there will be pictures of shellfish ceviche 2.0 up soon!

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