Monday, March 8, 2010

mushrooms! cucumbers! red onions! oh my!

i realize that i haven't been getting nearly enough raw vegetables in. so i made two salads this week to help me better work them into my diet.

i've been making this cucumber, red onion, red wine vinegar, dill salad since the first week. it's quite tasty. i'll eat it plain, on a small pita with avocado, or on top of lettuce. it's tangy, crunchy, and has an excellent kick of fresh flavor.

oh, i'll be the first one to admit it.
i have
never-ever been one to eat raw mushrooms. my sister has always eaten them, and i'd watch her, and i'd want to barf.
then! on a late february day, came my mushroom revelation!
on a trip to Whole Foods, the capital of all things fantastic, they had some type of cold, whole mushroom salad with red onions, balsamic, and parmesan . clearly, cheese was not an option for this dinosaur.
let me just tell you, that big, fat, marinated mushroom cap was all it took to turn me onto mushrooms.
so i eased myself into the fantastic field of fungus, by opting for sliced mushrooms. i diced up some shallots, and let it stew in the fridge all weekend. i'll add some balsamic just a few hours before eating.
so here i am. advocating for mushrooms.

just don't tell my sister.
she'll say something like, "i told you so."

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